Monday 22 October 2012

Bold Expressions- Alexander McQueen

My fashion heart never grows old at the site Alexander McQueen creations.  An ever design lovely line of of clothing it's one of those things that allow me to escape to the house of inspiration and carefree visions.

The spring 2013 line up is full of texture, volume and a wold full of uncommon design cuts. I am loving the idea of the paring so much shape and pattern to create one harmonious over all look. The brilliance behind the collection shows up in every piece.

Suited for the Fashion Firm Only

The pant suit that takes on a bold role in the fashion arena, and this hat so has Isabella-Blow written all over it. 

The circle of the creative is the a the note that hold this song of design together, and does it ever play so beautifully.

Dress for the Imagination

Of all the pieces in this collection the ensemble is is my vibe. Its full of amazing details, clean lines and breathtaking curvy volume.

The Details

Lined at the waist for a shapely creation!

Honeycombed beauty meets a dancing row of pleats, Oh so pretty!

Thank you for stopping by

Keep is styled,


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